A simple Plea

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Protect Nature, Protect Wild Life, Protect Animals - Start from Home !

I have been a constant advocate of saving the nature and on several posts prior to this, I have posted many pics of some beautiful creatures, especially birds that constantly beautify our own backyards. It won't take any effort for us to have a small bird bath, throw out a few half eaten fruits (or good ones as I do), grains or other bird feed / animal feed in to your own back yard to ensure that these lovely creatures will enjoy the same sorrounding as you do.

How many of us would cage parrots and other types of birds leaving no space for the poor creature to fly around orlive in freedom that we so much talk about ?? Do we really need to cage them? If we have some feed for them they would be in our back yards and enjoy their freedom whilst giving us the same joy of having them around - uncaged.

Once they get used to you this is how close you can feed them.

I sit right under the flower pot hung from the ceiling which I now use as another feeding spot for birds when they feed. Following is a close up while a beautiful Parrot was feeding in right before my eyes..

In addition to parrots, many other birds seem to enjoy the feed and most importantly, get used to me being around them...

They get so close to you and start trusting you, they even build their nests in close proximity.

Ain't it wonderful ??????????????????? Why not give it a try ? Have that little compassion towards these beautiful birds that enliven your own backyards. Don't ignore them, because, the day they are gone, the little chirps, hums and cries that we enjoy unintentionally will also be gone forever....

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