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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birds of Sri Lanka

Here are more pics of some wonderful beauties that visit my backyard on a daily basis. These are birds that you could find in your backyard if you are in Sri Lanka. If you are in another part of the world, just take a few minutes to look around. You will be amazed by the little wonders you see and the beauty they add to your own back yards. Save them for the future, feed them and love them. They are part of us too.

Beauties Aren't they ??

The common Woodpecker lived in a rusted tree in my neighbour's house

This was his home

Unfortunately, the tree fell off during the last monzoons and Haven't seen him since :( - Hope he found a good location to reside in ...

Another fella that visit's during season is the long tailed fly catcher... However, this one has yet to grow it's long beautiful tail.

This beautiful green one is quite scared to come closer to humans. Let's hope the fellow will get used to us soon.

I do try to save the little birds from this monster Cobra - yes find a few of them as I live right next to the Attidiya sanctuary. But, i do believe in harmoney in nature. I let it be and feed it occassionally too..

Have your backyard full of greenary and make it a nice living place for you and for the beauties that visit you.